Page 6 - pnucc annual report 2020 final flip 3_Neat
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2020 PNUCC

                         BREAKING NEWS


        Utilities also faced financial pressures, as                                                        Equity jumps into
        businesses and industries shut down for                                                             the headlines
        months during the initial stages of the           Being creative with new
        pandemic. Residential customers were using                                                          Spurred by racial justice protests that erupted
        more electricity in the new stay-at-home          programs, connecting quickly                      across the nation, utility leaders took up
        environment, but not enough to offset                                                               the issue of diversity, equity and inclusion at
        commercial and industrial declines. The           with customers and giving                         PNUCC gatherings. They not only discussed
                                                                                                            ideas for how to make utility workforces
        changing dynamics of electricity use was          immediate financial relief
        explored in April when PNUCC called                                                                 more diverse and equitable, but shared
        together members’ load forecasters and            provided peace of mind in                         personal stories and experiences with
                                                                                                            racial injustice and discrimination. Many
        economists to compare and share how loads         trying times.
        were differing from projections. In follow up                                                       expressed a desire to apply what they were
                                                                                                            hearing to their own utilities.
        webinars and at System Planning Committee
        meetings, we dedicated time to examine the
        extent of the economic downturn and
        speculate when the economy, and hence
        loads, would start to recover.
        At the Board’s suggestion, PNUCC also
        quickly organized a virtual forum on
        “Re-engaging Customers in a COVID
        Environment” in May. Many member utilities
        shared how they were helping customers
        as increased unemployment created new
        financial challenges. Being creative with new
        programs, connecting quickly with customers
        and giving immediate financial relief provided
        peace of mind in trying times. As the months
        wore on, getting customers back on track
        was a primary focus. These conversations
        were carried into the summer meetings as
        the Northwest began to see longer-term
        impacts unfolding.
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