Page 4 - pnucc annual report 2020 final flip 3_Neat
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2020 PNUCC
In my 38 years at PNUCC, I haven’t Our discussions also demonstrated the shared thoughts, tested ideas, and quickly
experienced a year with so much of the daily power of relationships, even when chatting acted upon them.
news directly impacting you. Yet, through it virtually from our computers. Because of the
Twenty-twenty will stand out! Because I
all, I’ve been inspired and awed by you. Your trust we’ve established, we’ve had a safe
was able to experience your remarkable
dedication day in and day out, tackling each place to talk and had some courageous
leadership, and had the honor to work with
challenge while keeping critical services in conversations. You vetted ideas for
you every day.
place is a testament to your leadership and assisting customers in the tough economic
A huge thanks to the PNUCC Board of
commitment to providing a safe environment times brought on by COVID-19 and shared
Directors for leading by example, and to
for your employees, communities and personal stories to help illuminate what social
the members for engaging so whole-
customers. injustice looks like. You listened with respect
heartedly. I’m look forward to a promising
to others, and we became a better, stronger
During our meetings, I witnessed good, and calmer 2021.
organization as a result.
dedicated, caring and thoughtful leaders,
learning from each other. Even on your most Lastly, we showed that PNUCC is agile and
trying days, you showed up, ready to engage adaptive. We moved quickly when needed,
and add to the conversation. and as each new issue confronted us, you
“ Your dedication day in and day out, tackling each challenge while
keeping critical services in place is a testament to your leadership
and commitment to providing a safe environment for your
employees, communities and customers.”