Page 3 - pnucc annual report 2020 final flip 3_Neat
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All this—not to mention rolling blackouts We worked together to ensure customers a constant striving to live up to our highest
across California—in the span of less than a were protected when they lost their jobs, or expectations.
year. The economic, social, and mental toll of got sick, or needed a little more help to get by.
Yes, struggle may be the right lens to view
2020 has not yet been fully calculated. It has,
We provided each other with mutual aid 2020 through and the thing about struggle
indeed, been a struggle.
and saw the best of ourselves through the is that it is hard and uncertain. It is also
But throughout this, the one place that really Labor Day storm outages and fires. We memorable and once overcome, builds
stands out is PNUCC. The relationships and shared our wildfire plans, our resources to life-defining experiences. But perhaps the
relevance of PNUCC have never been more get people back in service, and are gift of 2020 will be the experience and
important. This organization is the gathering supporting the recovery and rebuilding of resiliency we will inherit through our collective
spot and the sounding board for where our whole communities. struggle. I am proud to have served this
industry, and our leaders, came together to
We initiated the hard work of confronting organization through this year and appreciate
overcome these struggles.
racial injustice and recognizing our roles as the opportunity to struggle and grow
We shared our thoughts and best practices trusted institutions to make our communities alongside all of you.
to keep our employees safe from COVID-19 more equitable. What’s more, as leaders
so we could serve our customers when they we see that this work will take time and
needed us the most. may never be complete, but instead will be