Page 7 - pnucc annual report 2020 final flip 3_Neat
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The annual Board and Member Executive Dramatic wildfires, emergency responders, protecting their
Retreat included nationally recognized expert another top story neighbors and communities and providing
on diversity and inclusion, Deena Pierott. She mutual aid support to each other. While not all
Just as we were beginning to look ahead to
guided participants through some deep and utilities were directly impacted, the conversation
winter storm operations under the pandemic,
powerful discussions. Pierott acknowledged in our PNUCC forum brought a greater
utilities pivoted again. A regional heat and
their soul-searching and commended their appreciation of the immediate needs in a
wind event produced devastating wildfires
willingness to challenge themselves to wildfire situation, the vulnerabilities of
in September that destroyed homes and
improve the effectiveness of their current communities, the value of defensible space
businesses in several communities.
policies and practices. She noted, “A good around property and the implications to
leader doesn’t always have the answers, but The number of fires and the intensity of them the system.
is committed to learn.” had utility crews working hand-in-hand with
“ A good leader
doesn’t always
have the answers,
but is committed
to learn.”