Page 5 - Livret de recettes des aînés en santé
P. 5


         The year 2020 will be like no other, but

             Le Cercle des Canadiens Français de

         Prince George will remain attentive to its

           community. The pandemic is making

          us rethink our lifestyles. At work like in

           our house, it is now essential to take

           care of ourselves and our loved one.

         Today, we wish to highlight our seniors

              who are the most affected by the

           pandemic and to create a memory, a

           caring and supportive sharing of this

                             troubled time.

         This booklet of recipes and advice is an
            open hand for those who insure the

         strength of this association but also for

          all those who wish to share a moment

                             of conviviality.

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