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       Jayne Catherine Conway

                                                                   ISBN 979-88-86452-06-8

                                                                   9 7 9 8 8 8 6 4 5 2 0 6 8
                                                                 Publication:   26  SEPTEMBER 2024
                                                                 ISBN:           9798886452068
                                                                 Price:          £22.75
                                                                 Binding:        Hardback

                                                                 Format:         229 x 152 mm
                                                                 Extent:         248 pp
                                                                 Thema:          DN Biography

                                                                   Comparative title: 9781952558207Someone Always

                                                                   The Intimate Memoir of Margaret Bryan (1757–1836)

                                                                   Even the most privileged woman’s glass ceiling in Georgian
                                                                   England was limited to a wealthy, titled husband and, if all
                                                                   things went well, perpetual pregnancy—boys first, please. But
                                                                   despite  the  pressures  on  her  to  marry,  headstrong  and
                                                                   intelligent Margaret Bryan, always drawn more to numbers
                                                                   and stars than needles and threads, determines early in her
                                                                   life  to  courageously  chart  her  own  path  to  a  world-class
                                                                   scientific education and an occupation of herown choosing.

         Jayne Catherine Conway was born in England and immigrated to   When she comes into an inheritance, Margaret opens her own
         the United States with her family as a child. She holds a Bachelor of   school to teach girls math and science. With her newfound
         Science in engineering from North Carolina State University and an   independence,  she  also  gains  the  friendship  of  two  of
         MBA  from Harvard  Business  School.  After  earning  her MBA,  she   England’s most influential female nobility, who teach her how
         worked as a strategy consultant for Bain & Company and then held   to play the game of social image to advance her publishing
                                                                   agenda.  Drawn  into  this  new  and  mysterious  world  of  the
         various C-suite leadership positions at Dunkin' Brands, Gulf Oil, Alex   London Ton and Royal Society, Margaret also finds personal
         and Ani, and Planet Fitness.                              happiness, even in the face of adversity, through her non-
                                                                   conventional family and the attentions of a progressive royal

                                                                   Drawing from her own years of research on this extraordinary
                                                                   historical figure, Jayne Catherine Conway tells the forgotten
                                                                   story  of  her  distant  relative:  a  respected  mathematician,
         Sales: Star Book Sales LLP                                astronomer, educator, and author who overcame tremendous
         T: 01404 515050                                           societal oppression to redefine the limitations of her destined
         E:                            life.
                                                                   Investigating conversations around the generational abuse of
         Orders: Combined Book Services Ltd.                       institutional  power,  Jayne’s  emotional  literary  debut  draws
         Phone: 01892 837171                                       comparisons  to  our  present-day  society,  illuminating  how
                                                                   history  has  for  far  too  long  confined  women  to  “the  gilded
         Prices and specifications are provisional and are subject to change   cage.”
         without notice.             25/04/2024
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