Page 21 - Oshea Funeral Guide Final
P. 21

and necessary. It may cause a variety                     Guilt can be one of the hardest
            of reactions, including:                                  emotions to deal with and it may
                                                                      last a long time. Self blame and
            •  Feeling tired and irritable. You may                   doubt add to the pain of grief. This
               experience insomnia or feel tired                      can  make  it  difficult  to  share  with
               all the time.                                          others. Talking about your feelings or
            •  Appetite changes. You may or may                       keeping a journal often helps you gain
               not feel hungry.                                       perspective and insight. There are no
            •  Feelings of anxiousness. You may                       right or wrong feelings in grief, there
               feel worried and excited at the same                   are just your feelings.
               time; like your heart is racing and
               you cannot “catch your breath”.                        Take care of yourself
            •  Feelings  of  emptiness.  You  may                     Have compassion and take care of
               feel hollow inside. It may be hard                     yourself. Eat properly, get enough rest
               to concentrate or remember things.                     and exercise. Grief causes tremendous
            •  Feeling out-of-control. You may                        stress on your body. It attacks even
               feel helpless, angry or frightened.                    the  strongest  immune  system.  You
                                                                      may catch more colds, experience
            All of these feelings are normal.                         headaches or muscle aches. Taking
            Your whole world has changed. You                         care of yourself is more important
            cannot bring the person back or                           now than ever before. You might try
            change the situation. It is natural to                    some deep breathing exercises or
            feel vulnerable. Through information,                     relaxation techniques. You can find
            we gain a sense of understanding.                         relaxation tapes at a library or a book
            Through understanding, we gain a                          store.
            sense of control.
                                                                      Take control
            Seek out information about grief,                         It is important at this time to do things
            everyone grieves differently. Our                         that can give you back some sense of
            cultural and religious experiences,                       control. You will be faced with making
            the circumstances of the death and                        many decisions regarding your future,
            our relationship with the person who                      both personal and financial. Take time
            died influence our reactions to grief.                    making major decisions. Begin slowly.
            If someone dies after a long illness,                     Handle projects in small increments
            there may be a momentary sense of                         of time. This will help build your
            relief that the pain is over. If a death                  confidence and prove that you are
            is sudden and unexpected, shock and                       making progress.
            a feeling of numbness may occur. If
            a young person dies there is a sense                      Put  the  clothes  away  when  you  are
            that things are out of order and that                     ready. Do not let others push you to
            life is not the way it is supposed to be.                 make decisions you are uncomfortable

            What you can do
            Acknowledge         and     express      your             As you are getting your finances in
            feelings. Grief can be confusing.                         order, get your other affairs in order
            Sadness, anger, fear and guilt are some                   to. Change insurance beneficiaries.
            of the most common emotions. You                          Check your health and other insurance
            may feel nothing at all or feel them all                  policies. Discuss your own funeral
            at the same time. Do not be afraid of                     arrangements with your family and
            the intensity of your emotions. Mood                      funeral director. Taking care of life’s
            swings are normal.                                        “paperwork” can help restore a sense
                                                                      of control and give you peace of mind.

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