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constructed as a monument enclosing the and coco-matting at the grave site,
interment space or burial chamber of a leveling, tamping, re-grading and
deceased person or people. A mausoleum sodding the grave site and leveling
may be considered a type of tomb or the and re-sodding the grave if the earth
tomb may be considered to be within the settles.
mausoleum. The most famous mausoleum
is the Taj Mahal in India. Can we dig our own grave to avoid
the charge for opening and closing?
Columbarium: Columbarium walls are The actual opening and closing of
generally reserved for cremated remains. the grave is just one component of
While cremated remains can be kept at the opening and closing fee. Due
home by families or scattered somewhere to safety issues which arise around
significant to the deceased, a columbarium the use of machinery on cemetery
provides friends and family a place to property and the protection of other
come to mourn and visit. Columbarium gravesites, the actual opening and
walls do not take up a lot of space and it closing of the grave is conducted by
is a cheaper alternative to a burial plot. cemetery grounds personnel only.
Natural cemeteries: Natural cemeteries, Why is having a place to visit so
also known as eco-cemeteries or green important?
• Selecting burial or cremation in a crypt inside a mausoleum (above cemeteries is a new style of cemetery To remember and to be
• Choosing funeral products ground burial). Family or religious set aside for natural burials. Natural remembered are natural human
• Arranging a cemetery plot traditions are often a factor for burials are motivated by the desire to needs. A permanent memorial in a
• Preparing an obituary notice choosing burial. Decisions need to be be environmentally conscience, although cemetery provides a focal point for
• Scheduling transportation made on whether the body needs to natural burials can be performed at any remembrance and memorializing
arrangements be embalmed, what kind of casket to type of cemetery, they are usually done the deceased. Throughout human
use, what cemetery to use and what in a natural woodland area. Conventional history, memorialization of the dead
A funeral director will guide you to put on the gravestone. markings such as headstones are generally has been a key component of almost
through all these steps, using your replaced with a tree or a bush or a every culture. Psychologists say
wants, needs and desires as a Cemetery types placement of a natural rock. that remembrance practices, from
foundation to create a memorable Monumental cemetery: A monumental the funeral or memorial service to
funeral for your loved one. From cemetery is the traditional style of permanent memorialization, serve
here the funeral services can be cemetery where headstones or other Burial FAQ’s an important emotional function
personalized. Did your loved one have monuments made of marble or granite for survivors by helping them bring
a favorite sports team? What was their rise vertically above the ground. What is opening and closing and why is it closure and allowing the healing
favorite type of music? What activity There are countless different types of so expensive? process to begin. Providing a
was your loved one known best for? designs for headstones, ranging from Opening and closing fees can include up to permanent resting place for the
Recalling fond memories assists with very simple to large and complex. and beyond 50 separate services provided deceased is a dignified treatment for
the grieving process and will help by the cemetery. Typically, the opening and a loved one’s mortal remains, which
honor the life of your loved one. Lawn cemetery: A lawn cemetery is closing fee includes administration and fulfills the natural human desire for
where each grave is marked with a permanent record keeping (determining memorialization.
ownership, obtaining permission and the
Burial Services small commemorative plaque that is completion of other documentation which What happens when a cemetery runs
placed horizontally at the head of the
Traditionally, a burial service involves grave at ground-level. Families can may be required, entering the interment out of land?
a visitation, followed by a funeral still be involved in the design and the particulars in the interment register, When a cemetery runs out of land,
service in a church, or other place information contained on the plaque, maintaining all legal files); opening and it will continue to operate and serve
of worship. The casket is typically however in most cases the plaques closing the grave (locating the grave and the community. Most cemeteries have
present at both these events, and it are a standard design. laying out the boundaries, excavating and crematoriums, and some historic
is your decision on whether to have filling the interment space); installation and cemeteries even offer guided tours.
the casket open or not. You have the Mausoleum: A mausoleum is an removal of the lowering device; placement
option of having the remains interred external free-standing building and removal of artificial grass dressing
(earth burial), or it may be entombed
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