Page 15 - O'Shea Funeral Guide
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headstones are generally replaced human desire for memorialization.
with a tree or a bush or a placement
of a natural rock. What happens when a cemetery runs
out of land?
When a cemetery runs out of land,
Burial FAQs it will continue to operate and serve
the community. Most cemeteries have
What is opening and closing and why crematoriums, and some historic
is it so expensive? cemeteries even offer guided tours.
Opening and closing fees can include
up to and beyond 50 separate services In a hundred years will this cemetery
provided by the cemetery. Typically, still be there?
the opening and closing fee includes We think of cemetery lands as being
administration and permanent record in perpetuity. There are cemeteries
keeping (determining ownership, throughout the world that have been
obtaining permission and the in existence for hundreds of years.
completion of other documentation
which may be required, entering the How soon after or how long after a
interment particulars in the interment death must an individual be buried?
register, maintaining all legal files); There is no law that states a specific
opening and closing the grave time frame for burial. Considerations
(locating the grave and laying out that will affect timeline include
the boundaries, excavating and filling the need to secure all permits and
the interment space); installation authorizations, notification of family
and removal of the lowering device; and friends, preparation of cemetery
placement and removal of artificial site and religious considerations.
grass dressing and coco-matting at Public health laws may have
the grave site, leveling, tamping, re- limitations on the maximum length
grading and sodding the grave site of time allowed to pass prior to final
and leveling and re-sodding the grave disposition. Contact your local funeral
if the earth settles. provider for more details.
Why is having a place to visit so
Does a body have to be embalmed
important? before it is buried?
To remember and to be remembered No. Embalming is a choice which
are natural human needs. A permanent depends on factors like if there is to
memorial in a cemetery provides be an open casket viewing of the body
a focal point for remembrance or if there is to be an extended time
and memorializing the deceased. between death and interment. Public
Throughout human history, health laws may require embalming if
memorialization of the dead has the body is going to transported by
been a key component of almost air or rail.
every culture. Psychologists say
that remembrance practices, from What options are available besides
the funeral or memorial service to ground burial?
permanent memorialization, serve Besides ground burial, some
an important emotional function for cemeteries offer interment in lawn
survivors by helping them bring closure crypts or entombment in mausoleums.
and allowing the healing process to In addition, most cemeteries provide
begin. Providing a permanent resting choices for those who have selected
place for the deceased is a dignified cremation. These often include
treatment for a loved one’s mortal placement of cremated remains in a
remains, which fulfills the natural niche of a columbarium or interment
O’Shea Funeral Homes - Page 15