Page 4 - O'Shea Funeral Guide
P. 4

The funeral homes are staffed by
        abOut uS
                                                                  eight licensed funeral directors,
                                                                  fully trained to attend to the
        Having grown up living above his                          technical details of a funeral while
        father’s funeral home in Queens, NY,                      remaining  sensitive  to  the  feelings
        Charles J. O’Shea, Jr. continued the                      of all involved. They encourage
        tradition of a family run business                        any and all questions from family
        and opened his own funeral home                           members to ensure that the family’s
        in East Meadow, NY in 1963.
                                                                  individual needs and personal
                                                                  desires are met. They will carry
        He developed deep roots in the                            out       services,       transportation,
        community – raising a family and                          cremations, memorials and other
        building up his business. His                             arrangements with dignity and
        personal connection to the families                       genuine concern. They will gladly
        in the area, and his dedication and                       answer any questions regarding
        professionalism earned the trust &                        pre-arranging a funeral frankly and
        respect  of  all.  Mr  O’Shea  saw  the                   confidentially. You may feel secure
        need for another location in order                        knowing that the final tribute to
        to accommodate his friends and                            your loved one will be conducted to
        neighbors, and  so he opened his                          your personal wishes and with the
        second funeral home in Wantagh in                         utmost care.

                                                                  In addition, our courteous and caring
        Then in 2007, Mr O’Shea, together                         visitation staff are on premises
        with his partners Louis Guerra, Louis                     to attend to your guests’ needs,
        Bruno and James Bruno, formed the                         and our office staff is available to
        Albrecht, Bruno & O’Shea Funeral                          assist you with any insurance or
        Home in East Islip, NY.
                                                                  government documents you may

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