Page 9 - O'Shea Funeral Guide
P. 9

together in your memory and celebrate                    almost any way imaginable. For
          your life.                                               example, just consider the following
          Graveside Service                                        •  Where should the funeral be held?

          As its name implies, a graveside                             At your place of worship? At the
          service may be held at the grave site                        funeral home?
          just prior to burial of a casket or urn,                 •  Who should officiate the service?
          and usually consists of final remarks,                   •  Will your service adhere to the
          prayers or memories. The service may                         traditions of your faith or culture?
          occur after or in place of a funeral                     •  Do you want a eulogy, and who
          service.                                                     should deliver it?

                                                                   •  Would you like an open or closed
          There are many ways to plan a funeral                        casket?
          service, and we believe that each                        •  What music should be played?
          funeral should be as unique and                          •  What readings would you like to
          memorable as the life it honors.                             have?
                                                                   •  Is there a special poem you’d like
          When planning your own funeral                               shared with the guests?
          service in advance, think about the                      •  Are there any special photographs
          way you want to be remembered.                               or other memorabilia you would
          Perhaps you’d like a traditional funeral                     like displayed?
          aligned with certain religious or ethnic                 •  Should the décor reflect a particular
          customs. Or, a celebration focusing                          hobby or interest of yours, such as
          on great memories made                                       fishing, gardening or music?
          with family and friends may be your                      •  Is  there  a  particular  emblem
          preference. Maybe  it’s  a  combination                      or engraving you want on your
          of both. You can have one service, or                        headstone or marker?
          several, to honor your life.                             •  Should there be refreshments

                                                                       served or a more elaborate party
          Regardless of the service or services                        held after the service?
          you choose to include in your funeral
          plan, you can personalize them in

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