Page 7 - O'Shea Funeral Guide
P. 7

Preplanning/Planning                                     Here are some tips that may help
                                                                   you start the advance planning
          Ahead                                                    conversation with your loved ones:
          Preplanning your funeral will make
          certain that your choices are respected                  •  Set a time to have the conversation.
          and carried out, without leaving your                        Schedule it as an appointment with
          family to wonder what your wishes                            your loved ones, whether you want
          might have been.                                             to  share your  plans  with  them  or
                                                                       ask them to make their plans to
          When you’re ready to make a real plan,                       share with you.
          send us an email and we will have one                    •  Tell your parent or loved one that
          of our preplanning counselors call you                       you want to ensure their final
          to set up an appointment.                                    arrangements are done according

                                                                       to their wishes, and you need their
          There are many different ways to begin                       help to make that happen.
          the planning ahead conversation. You                     •  Ease      into     the     conversation.
          know your family and how your loved                          Questions such as “Have you ever
          ones might best respond to the topic.                        thought  about  where  you would
          For some families, it might be a casual                      like to be buried?” or “What type
          conversation  over  dinner or  another                       of funeral would you like to have?”
          family gathering. For other families,                        may open the discussion to more
          a formal meeting might be better                             details about your loved one’s
          suited.                                                      wishes.

                                                                   •  Take advantage of funeral-related
          Regardless of your approach, the                             opportunities.        Attending       the
          conversation is much easier to have                          funeral of a friend, family member
          when death is not imminent. Bringing                         or colleague or watching a movie
          up the subject with loved ones earlier                       or television show with funeral
          in life when they are younger, and                           scenes may naturally prompt the
          most likely healthier, makes the topic                       discussion with your own loved
          easier to discuss and keeps the focus                        ones. Talk about what you liked or
          on the celebration of life rather than                       didn’t like about the services you
          an impending loss.                                           saw or attended.

                                                                                        O’Shea Funeral Homes - Page 7
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