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your assets as per the terms of your                     successor trustee(s) begin managing the
           will.  As  such,  the job is  very  important,           trust’s affairs, and disposing of the trust
           and should be given to someone who is                    assets as per your directions.
           responsible, trustworthy, and meticulous
           in their record keeping.                                 A     common       circumstance       that    is
                                                                    encountered in New York is the elderly
           If you have been nominated as the                        decedent  who  owns  both  their  long
           executor of a friend or family member’s                  time New York residence, and a Florida
           estate, be mindful in your duties, and                   condominium for their retirement years.
           keep excellent records of all expenditures               In these circumstances, without an RLT,
           made on behalf of the estate. By doing                   the family of the decedent will have to
           so, you will honor the legacy of your                    probate the decedent’s will (or, in the
           loved one, assist their heirs in their time of           absence of a will, bring an administration
           need, and protect yourself from potential                proceeding) in both New York and Florida.
           liability.                                               After  accounting  for  filing  fees,  legal
                                                                    fees, service of process, and the potential
           Trusts                                                   necessity for travel, this can more than
           There are dozens of varieties of trusts,                 double the cost of administering the
           each of which can be used to accomplish                  estate. By utilizing a RLT, you can avoid
           different goals. For most circumstances,                 these problems, save money and time for
           however, your attorneys will recommend                   your heirs, and leave a lasting legacy for
           one (or several) of three variants of trusts             your family. Almost without exception, we
           - the basic revocable living trust, the                  advise that our clients who own real estate
           irrevocable “Medicaid” trust. Each trust                 or other property in multiple states utilize
           serves its own specific purpose - generally,             an RLT for estate planning purposes.
           irrevocable trusts are for asset protection
           and estate tax purposes, where revocable
           trusts are considered “will substitutes”.                Irrevocable “Medicaid” Trusts
                                                                    The  irrevocable  “Medicaid”  trust  is  a
                                                                    special type of trust utilized to protect
           Revocable Living Trusts                                  your assets - and in some cases, make
           A revocable living trust (“RLT”) is a so-                you eligible for government benefits - in
           called “will substitute” - it is freely                  the event that you require certain forms
           revocable during your lifetime, and you                  of care, while safeguarding your assets
           (and your spouse, if a joint trust) may                  for the benefit of your heirs.
           act as trustee(s) of the trust. RLTs have
           many advantages - they simplify estate                   In New York State, the average cost of a
           administration, avoid the necessity of                   nursing home is approaching $10,000.00
           probate, and serve special purposes                      per month at the time of writing. In
           for those who own property in multiple                   the downstate region, the cost of such
           states. An RLT, like any trust created                   care  already  exceeds  that  number  by
           during the grantor’s lifetime, is its own                approximately 20%. As such, the cost of
           legal person. By setting up an RLT, you                  care  quickly  diminish  your  hard  earned
           will effectively begin administering your                savings, and prevent your children from
           own estate during your lifetime. This                    inheriting the money that they otherwise
           means that when you  pass away, your                     would.
           successor trustees will step immediately
           into your shoes, without having to go                    Let’s utilize the example of “Rose
           through the length process of probate.                   Smith”, a fictional prospective client.
           Administratively, the only thing for                     Rose has pension and security income
           your family  to do, will  be to have your                of approximately $3,000.00 per month,

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