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          Funeral Home, Inc.

                                                                  the funeral home.  Roy eventually became
         Our History                                              a part owner along with George.

                                                                  Roy Solace was born in Baggs, Wyoming
         Perry Funeral Home was started in 1825                   (1938).  He had never left his small town in
         outside of Boston, Massachusetts.    The                 the middle of nowhere until he joined the
         funeral home was started by the Perry                    US army and ventured away from his rural
         Family and as did most funeral homes,                    community.  He ended up at Perry Funeral
         really  came  into  use  in  the  1860’s  during         Home after becoming a licensed funeral
         the Civil War.  This is the same time that               director and became part owner along with
         Americans became familiar with the                       George Perry.  Roy was extremely active in
         process of embalming.  Embalming was                     the funeral business and lived above the
         used to preserve a soldier’s remains for                 funeral home for many years.
         the journey back to their hometown if they
         unfortunately died during the war.                       George  and  Roy operated  the  funeral
                                                                  home together for many years until as
         Eventually Mr. John Perry moved his family               they were both getting on in years and
         to Lynbrook, NY.  He and his wife operated               needed to make succession plans for the
         the funeral home until their son George                  future.    They  had  two  men  working  for
         L. Perry was born (1930) in the upstairs of              them and they asked both of them to buy
         the funeral home that served as the Perry                into the funeral home.  Kenneth Lysak Jr
         residence in Lynbrook.   George Perry                    and  Philip  M.  Taglia  have  been  with  the
         was very involved in the local community,                Perry Funeral Home since 1989 serving as
         serving in the East Rockaway                             funeral directors/embalmers. They were
         Fire Department, also as                                 basically background staff that really did
                      East Rockaway                               most of the running around and all of the
                      Village Trustee                             embalming.  Ken and Phil were thankful for
                      and       various                           the opportunity and jumped at their offer.
                      other        civic                          In  2002  everything  was  made  official  and
                      and     religious                           they began their journey to ownership of
                      organizations.         George Perry         Perry Funeral Home.  George and Roy both
                      George served           1930–2017           began to take a backseat and allowed Ken
                      in the US Army in Korea before
            Roy Solace                                            and Phil to become more involved in the
                      joining his father in the family            day to day operations of the funeral home.
         business. George operated the funeral
         home until he eventually partnered up with               Roy Solace remained with the funeral home
         his associate Roy Solace an employee of                  in an advisory capacity until his passing in

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