Page 5 - Perry FH
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2016. George Perry did the same; offering
his invaluable guidance and support until he
passed away in 2017. Both men have left big
shoes to fill. Ken and Phil both handpicked
by George and Roy; are committed to filling
those shoes and operating Perry Funeral
Home in the manner and custom that these
two gentlemen would expect. As a family
owned and operated funeral home that
puts the needs and values of the families
that they serve; first and foremost.
Kenneth Lysak Jr was also born in Brooklyn,
NY (1964). He attended mortuary school
right out of high school and went to work
for a funeral home in Franklin Square.
Eventually ending up at Perry Funeral
Home in the late 1980’s as well. Ken is
married and has two children. He also has
many outside interests, including travel,
boating and mostly golf. Ken is a USCG
licensed captain and regularly takes families
on his boat for scattering services for those
that want to have burial at sea. He is the
Philip M. Taglia was born in Brooklyn, NY treasurer of the Nassau-Suffolk Funeral
in 1958. He was working at the Nassau Directors Association. Ken is also a member
County Medical Examiner’s office in East of DMORT Region II. DMORT is a federal
Meadow as a forensic pathologist assistant team that becomes mobilized by the federal
helping to perform autopsies. At the urging government in time of mass fatality to assist
of several area funeral director’s he decided with identification and mortuary operations.
to become a funeral director. He attended
mortuary school and eventually wound up Phil and Ken are committed to preserving
working for the Perry Funeral Home in the the excellent reputation that both George
late 1980’s. Phil is married and has three Perry and Roy Solace have instilled in them.
children, 2 stepchildren and 7 grandchildren. It is their desire that Perry Funeral Home
When not in the funeral home Phil can continue the legacy that was set down before
be found pursuing his outside interests of them. They have made improvements to the
traveling, scuba diving and enjoying his interior and exterior of the funeral home as
lovely grandchildren. Phil is also involved well as staying current on all advancements
in the Nassau-Suffolk Funeral Directors in the world of technology as it relates to
Association serving on the committee that the funeral industry. Feel free to call or stop
deals with the Medical Examiner. by for a tour of the funeral home or to ask
any questions that you may have.
Perry Funeral Home, Inc. - Page 5