Page 18 - M A Connell Funeral Guide
P. 18

What can be done with the cremated                       purchased or provided by the family, the
         remains?                                                 cremated remains will be returned in a
         While laws vary state by state, for the                  temporary plastic container.
         most part remains can be buried in a
         cemetery  lot  or  a  cremation  garden,                 Eulogies
         interred in a columbarium, kept at home
         or scattered.                                            Giving a meaningful, moving eulogy can
                                                                  be a nerve-wracking situation for even the

         How can I be sure I receive the correct                  most accomplished public speaker, but
         remains?                                                 it need not be. How can you summarize
         All reputable cremation providers have                   somebody’s life in a few short minutes,
         developed rigorous sets of operating                     while being both somber and funny at
         policies and procedures in order to                      the  same  time?  Writing  and  delivering
         maximize the level of service and                        a eulogy is a therapeutic tool to help
         minimize the potential for human error.                  deal with your grief, and being chosen to
         Since  it  is  illegal  to  perform  more  than          give a eulogy is an honor and should be
         one cremation at a time, and the vast                    treated that way. Here are some tips for
         majority of crematories can only cremate                 writing and delivering an eloquent and
         one body at a time, it is next to impossible             memorable eulogy.
         to receive the incorrect remains.
                                                                  Gather information. Talk with family
                                                                  members, close friends and co- workers
         How long does the actual cremation
         take?                                                    to  get  important information  on  the
         It all depends on the weight of the                      deceased. Some important information
                                                                  to include in the eulogy is the person’s
         individual. For an average sized adult,                  family and other close relationships,
         cremation can take two to three hours                    their    education/career,       hobbies     or
         at a normal operating temperature                        special interests, places the person
         of between 1000 and 2000 degrees                         lived or travelled to, and any special
                                                                  accomplishments they had.

         What do the cremated remains look                        Organize  your  thoughts.  Jot  down  your
         like?                                                    ideas  by  whatever  means  are  most
         Cremated remains resemble coarse sand                    comfortable and familiar to you. Create
         and are whitish to light grey in color. The              an outline of your speech, and fill in the
         remains of an average sized adult usually                information that you gathered about the
         weigh between 7 and 8 pounds.                            person.

         Are all the cremated remains returned?                   Write  it  down. This is not  a toast  at  a
         With the exception of minute and                         wedding where you can make off the
         microscopic       particles,     which      are          cuff remarks, and you should not adlib a
         impossible to remove from the cremation                  eulogy. Writing it all down allows you to
         chamber and processing machine, all of                   include and remember every detail you
         the cremated remains are given back to                   wanted  to  incorporate  in  your  speech.
         the family.                                              When you bring a copy of your eulogy to
                                                                  the podium make sure it is easy to read,
         Do I need an urn?                                        print it out in a large font, or if hand-
         An urn is not required by law. However,                  written leave a few spaces between the
         an urn may be desired if there is to be a                lines. Keep in mind your time constraints,
         memorial service or if the remains are to                it’s best to keep things on the short side,
         be interred in a cemetery. If an urn is not              especially if there are other speakers.

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