Page 20 - M A Connell Funeral Guide
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Remember, most newspapers charge for sympathy to someone who has just lost a
death notices, and they charged by the loved one. You don’t need to be a poet,
line. Each line contains approximately simply saying something like “I am sorry
four words. The funeral director will for your loss, my thoughts and prayers are
assist you in creating the correct format with you and your family” is enough. If
and editing in order to minimize charges. you can’t be at a funeral service in person,
sending a card or leaving a message on
Writing an obituary is a difficult and a memorial website is a perfect way to
emotional task. First, you will need to express your sympathy.
gather information from family and friends
of the deceased about their childhood, Dress appropriately - gone are the days
education, career and hobbies and of dressing up in all black for a funeral,
interests. Also, speak to the funeral home but jeans and a t-shirt isn’t exactly
to receive any important information on acceptable either. You should still dress
the date, time and location of any funeral to impress and avoid any bright or flashy
service, or other funeral related events. colors. Wearing what you would wear for
a wedding or a job interview would be
the most appropriate.
Funeral Etiquette
Like everything in society, funeral Sign the register book - the family will
etiquette and what is expected of you has keep the register book as a memento for
evolved over time. As always, common years. Be sure to include your full name
sense and good discretion is the best and relationship to the deceased.
guide to proper funeral etiquette. Here
are a few do’s and don’ts of funeral Give a gift - you don’t need to go
etiquette. overboard with your gift, after all it is
the thought that counts. Suitable gifts
Do: include; flowers, a donation to the charity
Express your condolences - it’s not easy of the family’s choice, or you can make a
to come up with the words to offer commitment of service to the family at
Page 20 - M. A. Connell Funeral Home