Page 25 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 25
Figure 4.1 Slime molds have a variety of colors and shapes, but they all have funguslike
Myxamoebae slime mold Red raspberry slime mold
Fungal-like protists are divided into three phyla, namely Myxomycota (plasmodial
slime molds), Oomycota (water fungi), and Acrasiomycota (insulated slime molds).
Slime molds are phagocytic heterotrophs and have a feeding phase in the form of an
ameboid mass (like Amoeba) in their life cycle, which is called plasmodium.
Myxomycota body structure, The vegetative structure called plasmodium in the form
of a multinucleated cytoplasmic mass and not limited by strong bonds. The nucleus
in plasmodium is generally diploid and can be mitotic at the same time. Plasmodium
is generally brightly colored such as yellow or orange. Called slime molds rather than
because they have a glossy, wet appearance, a gelatinous texture, and also look more
like other mushrooms. The bodies of slime molds are white, but mostly yellow or red.
In their ecosystem, slime molds act as decomposers. Moist soil, rotting wood, or
rotting leaves, are habitats for slime molds.Myxomycota mode of reproduction
Myxomycota reproduce asexually and sexually. Reproduction of Myxomycota is done
asexually by forming sporangium and sexually by syngamy between ameboid cells or
flagellated cells.
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