Page 28 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 28
Protists are eukaryotic microorganisms that are not animals, plants or fungi.
Protists are a group of organisms that have unicellular or multicellular characteristics,
the cell nucleus is eukaryotic, that is, it has a nuclear membrane, has a cell wall or not,
is a photoautotroph or heterotroph way of life, is aerobic or anaerobic, is free or
symbiotic, reproduces naturally. sexually by conjugation and asexually by binary
fission. Fungal-like protists have eukaryotic characteristics, do not have chlorophyll,
can produce spores, are heterotrophs. Fungi-like protists are not included in the Fungi
kingdom (mushrooms) because their body structure and reproduction method is
different from the Fungi group.
Based on their characteristics, Protists are divided into three groups, namely
Animal-like Protists (Protozoa). Animal-like protists or protozoa are grouped into four
major groups based on their means of locomotion, namely Rhyzopods moving on
pseudo-legs, Flagellates moving with flagella (whip feathers), Cilliata moving with cilia
(vibrating feathers), Sporozoa which do not have locomotion tools. Protists have an
important role in human life. The beneficial role is that it can be an indicator or
indicator of the presence of petroleum, as a new food source and for cosmetics. While
the detrimental role is that it can cause disease for humans.