Page 31 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 31

5.  The  group  of  fungus-like  protists  whose  sexual  reproduction  is  carried  out  by

                    fertilization between an egg cell and a sperm nucleus that produces a resistant zygote

                    (oospore) is a group of...

                       A. Myxomycota
                       B. Oomycota

                       C. Acrasiomycota

                       D. Basidiomycota
                       E. Ascomycota

                    6. The Oomycota group that is often detrimental because it can damage potato and

                    tomato plants is ....
                       A. Saprolegnia sp.

                       B. Saprolegnia australis

                       C. Phytophthora infestans

                       D. Phythium sp
                       E. Plasmopara viticola

                    7. The following statements that characterize plant-like protists are...

                       A. Unicellular and multicellular bodies
                       B. Reproduce asexually and sexually

                       C. Have pigments in the form of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll c, carotene,

                       or fucoxanthin

                       D. The nature of life heterotrophs
                       E. Habitat in fresh water or sea water

                    8. One of the characteristics of green algae that distinguishes it from other algae is...
                       A. Able to photosynthesize

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