Page 29 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 29

Test Practice

                    To measure the ability in learning 2 you can answer the following questions. Choose

                    one of the most appropriate answers.

                    1. Life cycle of fungus-like protists that move amoeboid to surround and swallow food,

                    found in ....

                       A. The generative phase of Acrasiomycota
                       B. Myxomycota generative phase

                       C. Oomycota generative phase

                       D. The vegetative phase of Myxomycota

                       E. Vegetative phase of Oomycota

                    2. Pay attention to the following characteristics of protists!

                    1) Eukaryotic

                    2) Does not have chlorophyll
                    3) Have chlorophyll

                    4)  prokaryotes  Based  on  the  above  characteristics  which  are  characteristic  of

                    mushroom-like protists are....

                       A. 1) and 2)
                       B. 1) and 3)

                       C. 1) and 4

                       D. 2) and 3)

                       E. 2) and 4)

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