Page 34 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 34
- Solitary or colonized life
- There are those who have chlorophyll
Protozoa with diata characteristics belong to the phylum...
A. Rhizopoda
B. Cilliata
C. Flagellata
D. Sporozoa
E. Sarcodina
14. A student observes a drop of water taken from the bottom of the pool. From the
results of these observations, students concluded that the microorganisms
observed came from the animal-like Protista group because they had the
characteristics of...
A. Have a locomotor
B. Chiropphiles
C. Prokaryotic
D. Multicellular
E. Pigmented
15. Plasmodium that can cause malaria is one of the members of the Protozoa, namely
the phylum...
A. Flagellata
B. Rhizopoda
C. Cilliata
D. Mastigophora
E. Sporozoa