Page 35 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 35
Asexual: Not through the fusion of sex cells
Cilia: hair vibrates as a means of locomotion
Conjugation: Sexual reproduction of unknown sex
Epiphytic: Relating to plants that either grow on or are attached to another plant, and
has no attachment to the ground.
Epitheca: Upper cell wall in diatoms
Eukaryotic: Cells in which the genetic material is enclosed within a nuclear membrane.
Flagellum: Whip feathers as a means of locomotion
Flagella: Thin fi laments that some cells use for movement.
Heterotrophs: Bacteria that require an organic source of carbon to survive, such as
sugars, proteins, fats, or amino acids.
Isogamy: Fusion of two sex cells of the same shape and size
Pseudopodia: pseudo-legs which are cytoplasmic projections
Sexual: Through the fusion of sex cells
Solitary: Living alone/not in a group
Zygospore: Spore formed by the zygote in Algae