Page 3 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 3
Praise be to Allah, the Almighty God for His mercy and grace, so that the author can
complete the textbook well. Do not forget to also say salawat and greetings may always
be poured out to the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, because thanks to him, we are
able to get out of the darkness into a brighter path.
We also express our gratitude to those who have supported the smooth running of this
textbook starting from the writing process to the printing process, namely our parents,
our colleagues, publishers, lecturers and many others that we cannot mention one by
one. .
Meanwhile, our textbook entitled "Kingdom Protist and Classification" has been
completed as well as possible so that it is useful for readers who need information and
knowledge about protist material.
In this book, written material about protists, namely animal-like protists. plant-like
protists and mushroom-like protists. This book can be an alternative guide for students
who are pursuing these studies.
We are aware that there are still many mistakes which of course are far from perfect
about this book. Therefore, we ask readers to give criticism and also suggestions for the
work of this textbook so that we can continue to improve the quality of the book.
Thus, we created this textbook, with the hope that readers can understand the
information and also gain insight into the protist kingdom and can be useful for society
in a broad sense. Thank you.
Jember, 10 June 2022