Page 8 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 8

Reading Check Compare and contrast  the three groups of protists

                                                     Table 1.1 The Protist
                     Group               Animal-like protists   Plant-like protists   Fungus-like protists
                                            (Protozoans)             (Algae)
                                       Ciliates,   amoebas,  Euglenoids, diatoms,    Slime  molds,  water
                                       apicomplexans,         dinoflagellates,  green  molds, and
                                       and zooflagellates     algae, red             downy mildews
                                                              algae,  brown  algae,
                                                              algae,  and  golden-
                                                              brown algae
                     Example           Amoeba                 Giant kelp             Water mold

                     Distinguishing    •  Considered          •  Considered         •  Considered
                     Characteristics      animal-like            plantlike because      funguslike
                                          because they           they make their        because they
                                          consume other          own food through       feed on
                                          organisms for          photosynthesis         decaying
                                          food                •  Some consume           organic matter
                                       •  Some are               other organisms        and absorb
                                          parasites              or are parasites       nutrients
                                                                 when light is          through their
                                                                 unavailable for        cell walls
                                                                 photosynthesis.    •  Some slime
                                                                                        molds consume
                                                                                        other organisms
                                                                                        and a few slime
                                                                                        molds are

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