Page 9 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 9

Animal-like Protists                                        PART 2

                       Objectives                        “Protozoa”  is  a  general  term  for  all  the

                     •  Identify  the                "animal     like"  unicellular  or  colonial  eucaryotic
                        characteristics of animal
                                                     organisms  of  the  Kingdom  Protista.  These
                        like protist.
                                                     organisms  in  general  lack  cell  walls,  are
                      •   Describe  the structures
                        and organelles of            heterotrophs,  and  are  mostly  motile  organisms.
                                                     While  not  animals  themselves,  biologist  believe
                        protozoans_ animal like
                        protist.                       these simple kinds of organisms gave rise to the
                     •  Explain  the life cycles of   kingdom of animals.

                        protozoans_ animal like
                        protist.                      General Characteristics of animal-like protists:
                                                     a.  Single celled organisms, some colonial

                     Review Vocabulary               b.  No cell wall but some secrete a "shell" of silica
                      hypotonic: the concentration       or calcium carbonate or a flexible pellicle
                     of  dissolved  substances  is   c.  Mostly heterotrophs

                     lower in the solution outside   d.  Many with specialized organelles for a variety
                      the    cell    than     the        of functions
                     concentration inside the cell.    e.  Move  by  flagella,  cilia,  pseudopodia,  or  are

                                                         non motile
                                                     f.  Inhabit a diverse array of habitats and include
                     New Vocabulary
                                                         freshwater and marine  forms to soil dwelling,
                       pellicle                          symbiotic and parasitic forms.
                                                     g.  Some,  particularly  the  parasitc  forms,  have
                     contractile vacuole
                                                         complex life cycles
                     test                            h.  Extensive fossil record.


                        One of the characteristics that biologists use to further classify protozoans into

                    different phyla is their method of movement. Members of the phylum Ciliophora, also

                    known  as  ciliates  are  animal-like  protists  that  have  numerous  short,  hairlike
                    projections. Some ciliates have cilia covering their entire plasma membrane, while

                    others have groups of cilia covering parts of their membrane, as shown in Figure 12.

                    Note that the Stentor’s cilia are located on the anterior end, they help propel food

                    into the cell. There are more than 7000 species of ciliates. They are abundant in most
                      aquatic environments ocean waters, lakes, and rivers. They also are found in mud,
                    and it is estimated that as many as 20 million ciliates can inhabit one square meter in

                    some mudf lats.
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