Page 6 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 6

Introduction to Protists                                         PART 1


                       Objectives                         Protists are classified more easily by what they
                                                     are  not  than  by  what  they  are.  Protists  are  not
                      Explain  how  protists  are    animals, plants, or fungi because they do not have
                                                     all of the characteristics necessary to place them in
                      Describe    how     some       any of these kingdoms. The Kingdom Protista was

                      protists with mitochondria
                                                     created to include this diverse group of more than
                       might have evolved.
                                                     200,000 organisms.
                       Explain     why      the           All protists share one important trait—they are
                      organization  of  Kingdom      eukaryotes.  You  learned  in  Chapter  7  that
                       Protista might change.
                                                     eukaryotic    cells   contain    membrane-bound

                                                     organelles. Like all eukaryotes, the DNA of protists
                                                     is found within the
                                                     membrane-bound nucleus. Although protists have
                          Review Vocabulary
                                                     a  cellular  structure  similar  to  other  eukaryotes,
                       Heterotroph:  organism

                       that  cannot  make  its       there  are  remarkable  differences  in  their
                       own food and must get         reproductive  methods.  Some  reproduce  asexually
                       its energy and nutrients      by mitosis while others exchange genetic material

                       from other organisms          during meiosis.
                                                           Classifying protists Because they are such a

                                                     diverse group of organisms, some scientists classify
                                                     protists  by  their  method  of  obtaining  nutrition.

                                                     Protists  are  divided  into  three  groups  using  this
                                                     method: animal-like protists, plant like

                                                     protists,  and  fungus  like  protists.  The  protozoan
                                                     (proh tuh ZOH un) (plural, protozoa or protozoans),

                                                     shown in Figure 1.1, is an example  of an animal-like
                                                     protist because it is a heterotroph it ingests food.

                                                     Additional examples of protists and a summary of
                                                     characteristics are shown in Table 1.1.
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