Page 10 - Team 2_A_Kingdom Of Protist Grade XI
P. 10

Cillia                                                                   Cilia

                                  Stentor use cilia for feeding       Trichodina pediculus
                                                                      use cilia for feeding

                                                                         and movement

                         Figure 2.1 Stentor and Trichodina pediculus are protozoans that have cilia.

                        Some of the most commonly studied ciliates are found in the
                       genus  Paramecium.  The  paramecium  in  Figure  1.3  lives
                     symbiotically  with  green  algae.  The  green  algae  undergoes

                     photosynthesis, providing nutrients to the paramecium.
                        A paramecium is a unicellular protozoan. It is enclosed by a   The  single-celled

                       layer  of  membrane  called  a    pellicle.  Directly  beneath  the  Paramecium
                     pellicle is a layer of cytoplasm called ectoplasm. Embedded in  bursaria  hosts  a
                                                                                     symbiotic  green
                     the  ectoplasm  are  the  trichocysts,  which  are  elongated,
                                                                                     algae.  For  more
                      cylindrical bodies that can discharge a spinelike structure. The
                                                                                     information  on
                       function of trichocysts is not completely understood, but they   biology  careers,
                     might  be  used  for  defense,  as  a  reaction  to  injury,  as  an   visit

                     anchoring device, or to capture prey.                 
                        Cilia  completely  cover  the  organism  including  the  oral

                     groove. Locate the oral groove on the paramecium in  Figure     2/020620/shuffli

                     2.1 The cilia covering the wall of the oral groove are used to   ng-deck

                     guide food,  primarily bacteria, into the gullet.

                                                                        Green algae

                                                                        Figure    2.2    Paramecium
                                                                          bursaria provides a home for
                                                                          green  algae  that  enter  the
                                                                        paramecium      during    the
                                                                        feeding process, but the green

                        Paramecium bursaria                             algae are not digested.       5
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