Page 86 - booklet draft
P. 86

This  Google  drive  is  user  friendly,  Escorting  Power  car  operator  will
              open the drive in Mobile and enter the described details.

              Based on answer by user, pages are linked.

                 G)Economic measures for control of expenditure:
                     As  an  economic  measures,  It  has  been  decided  to  utilize  the

                     Train Lighting staff of Electrical department for AC maintenance
                     &  Escorting  duties  to  reduce  the out  flow  of  Over  Time


                     Staff  are  nominated  for  online  initial  course  on  AC  coaches
                     maintenance  conducting  by  ESTC/LGD  and practical  training

                     course  are  conducting  at  concern  AC  depots.  Till  date  04
                     batches are completed.

                H) Monitoring distribution of staff Duties and planning in reduction of
                      OT hours:

                     To control the expenditure on OT hours of escorting AC staff. On-

                     line  monitoring  system  is  introduced  in  Google  Drive  at  free  of

                      Following are the features of introduced Google drive sheet:
                          Planning in booking of AC staff

                          Individual OT hours
                          Attendance of staff

                          List of trains movement
                          Ensure proper distribution of duties among staff

                          No. of staff booking on individual train
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91