Page 24 - The Barefoot Guide (2019)
P. 24
During the months of June through November we are in hurricane In the event of an official hurricane evacuation, we will keep you
season on the coast. Please listen to the Weather Channel (Channel updated via our automated guest telephone messaging system.
50) or our Local News 14 Carolina (Channel 14) and to the local radio You may also check for information on our website at
and TV stations if a tropical storm seems to be brewing to the south We will be continually updating our website
of us. The radio and local TV stations may refer to this area as the as we receive information from the Carteret County Emergency
Crystal Coast or Bogue Banks. We also have a local weather link on Management Team.
our website, and will link to hurricane
bulletins. As a precaution, you may want to make hotel reservations If your party is able to return after the evacuation has been lifted,
at inland cities as soon as a hurricane watch is issued. Local schools please stop by Emerald Isle Realty to let us know you have returned
will be designated as hurricane shelters. safely. A new key package will be issued at that time. If a hurricane
makes landfall, it could be several days before the island reopens
If we are given the order to evacuate, please cooperate. Our first to the general public. If the hurricane passes safely off-shore, the
concern is for your safety. Our second concern is to protect the bridge will probably be open at daylight the following day. Emerald
property from possible storm damage. It is imperative you carefully Isle Town Hall will issue bulletins regarding the reopening of the
lock all windows and doors and remove all trash from the property island to visitors.
to an outside bin. You should take all personal items and food with
you. Do not assume you will return. All keys, gate cards, parking Refunds: All inquiries concerning the status of your evacuation
passes and swim pins should be returned before evacuating the refund should be made directly to Red Sky Travel Protection (the
island. It may also be necessary for us to secure your beach home by travel insurance you had the option to purchase) at 866-889-7409.
turning off water, electricity and gas connections and securing porch IF YOU DID NOT PURCHASE RED SKY TRAVEL PROTECTION, THERE WILL
furniture. We apologize for the inconvenience. BE NO REFUNDS FOR HURRICANE EVACUATIONS.