Page 26 - The Barefoot Guide (2019)
P. 26
L OCAL Although our homeowners have carefully maintained their beach
homes and our maintenance staff has done inspections and repairs
in the off season, we still wish to enlist you to help us keep your
TIP S family safe while on vacation. Upon arrival, if you suspect that the
deck, railings or exterior stairs have deteriorated since our last
inspection or since the homeowner was last at their island vacation
rental home, please do not hesitate to call us and we will send our
maintenance staff to inspect and repair, if necessary, any issues you
We know you are going to love our little slice of the North Carolina report. We also ask your assistance by not over-occupying the deck.
coast for its natural beauty, delicious seafood, amazing restaurants A deck incident occurred in 2015 when two dozen family members
and over 300 miles of gorgeous beaches. clustered at one corner of the deck for a family photograph, and the
deck failed to support their concentrated weight, resulting in serious
Since we like to think of ourselves as your friends at the beach, here injuries. We would suggest family photos are beautiful when taken at
are a few things to keep in mind so you can “vacation like a local.” the beach instead of on the deck, and the light is most beautiful one
Please take a moment to also read on the adjacent page, “Tips for hour before sunset. Be sure to position your family members facing
Staying Safe at the Beach” published by the state of North Carolina. the glow from the sunset, not with their backs to the sunset, making
their faces dark.
Locals have passed down this information to children and
grandchildren about ocean safety, and we wanted you to be “in the Locals also enjoy trips to the North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll
know” about jellyfish, sharks, rip currents and sun exposure. We love Shores, the North Carolina Maritime Museum in Beaufort, and the
our ocean swims and follow these guidelines ourselves. Locals prefer always entertaining Core Sound Waterfowl Museum at Harkers Island.
not to swim at dawn and dusk when it is possibly meal time for larger When you wish to have a day out of the sun or if you are faced with a
fish. When swimming in Bogue Sound, we like to wear water shoes rainy afternoon, these can be great adventures for all the generations
due to oyster shells, barnacles and other sharp objects that may be traveling with you. We wish for you the happiest, safest beach
hard to see. vacation ever, and we are so grateful you have chosen Emerald Isle
Realty to be your friends at the beach!