Page 29 - The Barefoot Guide (2019)
P. 29

F AMIL Y                                              because they allow us time to slow down and just be together,
                                                               surrounded by the ones we love. Thanks to all of you who submitted
                                                               an entry for our annual contest. We received numerous, outstanding
          TRADITIONS                                           entries and have chosen a winning family who this year captures
                                                               the spirit of “Tradition” on Emerald Isle. The winning entries can be
                                                               viewed in their entirety on our website at
                                                               We invite all of our Emerald Isle Realty guests to enter. First prize is a
          Families come in all shapes and sizes and no matter how you define   free one-week vacation on Emerald Isle during our Islander or Sports
          your family, one thing is certain — nothing is more important in   season! See our website for submission information:
          our lives than those we love. Family vacations are to be treasured

                                             A typical day begins with an early morning bike   It is rinsed off and readied for the next day.
                                             ride. Back at the house the boys are setting up   The towels are collected and run through the
                                             the beach camp to include tent, chairs, towels,   laundry so they will be fresh and ready to go the
                                             books, sunscreen, cooler, etc. Around 9:00 am,   next morning. By now, you are probably feeling
                                             once the camp is complete, they are hard at   sad for the boys—there seems to be nothing for
                                             work getting breakfast ready. We are talking   them but chores! Not so! Between all of their
                                             a real breakfast, not fast food — eggs, bacon,   beach responsibilities, they manage to pawn
                                             potatoes, toast, coffee and juice. We don’t fool   shop/thrift store hop for miles and miles and
                                             around when it comes to the most important   miles. It is amazing what can be bought at a
                                             meal of the day! After breakfast it is time to   pawn shop.
                                             get the girls all covered up with just the right
                                             amount of sunscreen. Finally, it’s time to hit the   Most evenings are spent at the beach house.
                                             beach, or as the boys would say, “finally, they   They are filled with evening walks through the
                                             are gone!” On the beach the sunbathing begins   neighborhood, dominos, DVDs and ball games.
                                             as books are read, waves are rode and naps are   Occasionally we will venture out to one of the
                                             taken every day for six glorious days!   island's local restaurants, but it is so relaxing
                                                                                for us to just stay still and enjoy the quiet
          The Pampered Wives of Emerald Isle  What are the boys doing? Well, as stated, this   neighborhoods and the sounds of the ocean.
                                             is the girls' week. Sometime mid-day lunch   We have been friends since we were children
          The Booth and Marsico families’ (Ronnie, Robin,   is served on the beach complete with fresh   playing in the sandbox in the back yard. As we
          Roy and Joy) yearly journey from the mountains   sandwiches and an ice cold sweet tea. As a   grew into adulthood, it became harder and
          of southwest Virginia to Emerald Isle started in   mid-afternoon treat, there may be an ice cream   harder to make time for the simple things of
          2009. We previously vacationed at a fast paced,   break or some other sweet surprise. Again,   childhood. So now, if for just one week, we
          over populated destination that just was not   served on the beach! Then more books, waves   continue our childhood friendship by playing in
          what we were looking for in our search for a   and naps.              your “sandbox," each year as unique as the one
          slow lane vacation.                                                   before and the next one to come. We have made
                                             By late afternoon, the day is done and the girls   a “beach bottle” and a memory book each year
          We had heard stories of a quiet place on an   head back to the house for a fabulous evening   to capture the fun times we have had. At the end
          island just off the North Carolina shore. Could   meal—yes, prepared by the boys! They can   of each week, it is back to the real world; but for
          this be the place we longed for? The decision   actually cook when they put their minds to it.   one magical week sometime in July, the girls are
          was made to make this magical place our next   There has been meatloaf, grilled burgers, pasta,   pampered beyond imagination. The boys will
          vacation destination. We made contact with   tacos, salads, and much more—the menu is   have about 51 weeks of pampering to follow, and
          Emerald Isle Realty as suggested by a friend.   carefully planned months in advanced; recipes   then...girls week spins back around!
          They helped us choose a house that was just   are gathered and tested to make sure they will
          right for our first stay on the island. This first   be a hit! The grocery list for the entire week is   All of this would not be as stress-free and
          taste of the amazing shoreline had us hooked!   meticulously made before the trip begins and   smooth if not for the dedication of the Emerald
          We could not wait for the next summer to spin   ordered on-line for pickup at a local grocery   Isle Realty family; they are our vacation partner.
          around! We start making plans the beginning of   store on day one. Upon arrival at our "summer   When we arrive on the island they are the first
          October for the following July. We have visited   home," the menu is posted on the refrigerator at   faces we make contact with and are always
          during every week in July for many years. To be   the beginning to our fabulous week!  eager to help us get to the beach as quickly as
          clear—this is just not any week at the beach—                         possible.
          this is the girls' week at the beach. The boys   The boys gather the beach camp and all the
          come along to make it happen.      paraphernalia that goes with it from the beach.

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