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                           Newington Parish Council October 2020

           Again, for reasons you will understand, we are unable to deliver the Village Voice to homes around the village.
        Children’s Playground at the Recreation Ground
        We  started  our  Playground  project  two  years  ago.    People  told  the  Parish  Council  the  playground
        looked tired and so we began with a self-help painting day and bought new seats for the main and
        toddler swings.
        We asked for suggestions on what equipment people would like to see.  The top item was for a Cable-
        way, but there were several responses asking for the ‘sputnik’ to be kept.  We installed the cableway last
        summer (largely funded from a ‘Section 106’ levy for the new houses opposite the school).  This was an
        immediate ‘hit’ with all ages.  We had the sputnik painted and new seats made for it.  Last week it had
        new bearings fitted and so should no longer jar people’s teeth when using it!
        We are now in the final stages of commissioning a
        major extension to the playground.  This is costing
        £110,000 (£60,000 raised by the ‘Friends of Newington
        Recreation Ground’ and £50,000 Section 106 levy for
        the Persimmon homes off the High Street).
        The plans are to keep the existing much-loved
        equipment but with an extension that almost doubles
        the area.  There will be new pathways and repairs
        to the current surfacing.  Final details of the new
        equipment are being finalised, but will include a
        roundabout accessible for wheelchairs, a new
        see-saw, climbing net, canopy tower, activity trail –
        and more.  The main focus is for children 6yrs to
        teens, but there will also be some equipment for
        younger children to complement the toddler-park
        off Bull Lane.  As soon as we have final details we
        will publish the plans on the parish council website,
        put some laminated copies in the playground, and
        Mrs Deevoy and Mr Krafft have agreed to display
        copies at Newington School.

                                                    Other numbers
                                    Report on line
                                     Community Warden  Georgina Springall  07969 583921
                                   Police Community Support Officer John Cork   07772226217
                                              Crimestoppers Call 0800 555 111
                                    Call your local Police 101  in an emergency always call 999
                             Parish Council meetings
        The Parish Council continues to operate and Councillors continue to
        work hard on behalf of residents. The next meeting is the Amenities
        committee on Tuesday October 20th at 7.00pm and the next full
        council meeting is on Tuesday 27th of October both via zoom.
          Members of the public are welcome to attend and ask questions during our ten minute agenda slot.
                                       For details on how to attend please contact:
                                The Clerk, Mrs Wendy Licence, email:
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