Page 3 - VV October 2020 pdf_Neat
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Parish Council Website
          The Parish Council website contains information about the Council and its meetings. There is a planning tracker
                           which gives up to date information on planning applications in the village.
          The site is full of useful information and you can also sign up for email alerts. Details of village organisations are
                   available and if you would like details of your group to be included please contact the Clerk.
              Get updates on the gas main roadworks on the A2 whenever the Parish Council receives new information

        Temporary Road Closure
        Bull Lane, Newington – 14th October 2020

        Kent County Council has made an Order to temporarily prohibit through traffic on Bull Lane,
        Newington from 14th October 2020 for up to 2 days between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30.

        The road will be closed between the junctions with Old House Lane and Wormdale Road, to the extent
        indicated by signs and barriers on site.
        The alternative route for any through traffic is via Bull Lane, High Street,
        London Road, Lower Hartlip Road, Old House Lane and vice versa.

        Access for emergency service vehicles and pedestrians will be maintained
        at all times during the closure.

        The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce
        while cabling works are undertaken by BT.
        For information regarding this closure please contact BT on 0800 800150, who will be able to assist with
        the scope of the works.

        This bulletin contains public information and can be freely forwarded to any other road users who
        may be affected. Every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, but no liability can be
        accepted for any changes or errors.

        Road names are taken from the National Street Gazetteer on Elgin, with alternative names given where
        For details of roadworks, please see
        KCC, Highways Transportation & Waste: keeping you up to date with what’s happening on our roads, for
        more information visit or

                                         Reporting antisocial behaviour
        Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you
        need support right away? If so, please call 999 now.

        Antisocial behaviour can have a lasting impact on neighbourhoods and communities as it often leads to an in-
        crease in crime, particularly violence and criminal damage. If you’ve witnessed antisocial behaviour of any kind,
        Call 101: for ASB, including drug dealing (if drug dealing is happening outside of a school or playground, call 999)
        Call 999: only in an emergency, if there is a crime occurring, someone is injured, being threatened or threat to life.
                               If you cannot access the internet and need to speak with the
                                NHS Coronavirus Testing Service dial 119 from any phone

                                                   Help Available:
                    For updates from Government and local services see the Parish Council website
                                     111 NHS or  (
                           101 for Police non-emergency or 07969 583921
                                 Georgina Springall, Community Warden 07772 226217
                                      John Cork Police Community Support Officer

                                   Deadline  for articles 20th of each month, please contact Tony Mould
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