Page 2 - Newington's Vilage Voice August 2021
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Newington’s Roman Temple
        A 2,000-year-old temple that is part of Newington’s Roman past is being unveiled on Wednesday, August 25.

        The temple’s foundations have been reconstructed, using the original
         stones, after a last-minute rescue by Newington History Group (NHG)
        during the development of Watling Place for housing in 2019.

        This amazing historic feature will be on permanent public display on
        land off Watling Drive.NHG will give more details of the opening
        ceremony closer to the date.
        Follow the group on Facebook and Twitter.

        Fernham Homes is planning to develop the land next to
        Newington School – to include 25 homes and a permanent
        parking and drop off area.
        We are waiting for confirmation from Swale Borough Council
        that the planning application has been ‘validated’, probably in
        the next couple of weeks. At the next full parish council meeting
         on 31 August we will arrange a planning committee meeting
        to discuss the application in detail and agree our response;
        like all parish council meetings this will be open to the public.
        We will publicise the date on the parish council website and in September’s ‘Village Voice’ which we
        hope to deliver to every home in the village.

                                            Parish Council Website
                  The Parish Council website contains information about the Council and its meetings.
          There is a planning tracker which gives up to date information on planning applications in the village.
                      The site is full of useful information and you can also sign up for email alerts.
          Details of village organisations are available and if you would like details of your group to be included
                                                please contact the Clerk.
                 Mrs Wendy Licence, 14 Trapfield Close, Bearsted, ME14 4HT or email:

                                Need a Venue for groups or special occasions
                                        The Parish Room at Newington Pavilion
           is an ideal location for group and club meetings as well as children’s parties and small social gatherings.
                 It is available for hire at a preferential rate of £5 per hour for residents and village groups or
                                    £10 per hour for non-resident or commercial hire.
                                           For bookings please contact the Clerk,
                                  Wendy Licence 01622 739324 Email:

        Village Voice
        It great to be back with a live edition of the Village Voice. Throughout the pandemic we published the
        Village Voice online. We intend to have live editions quarterly.

                              Online                                            Paper delivery
                           August 2020                                         September 2021
                           October 2020                                         December 2021
                         November 2020                                            March 2020
                           January 2022
                        To view the Village Voice on line go to:
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