Page 5 - Newington's Vilage Voice August 2021
P. 5

Plant a Tree for Jubilee
        Celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 by being part of The Queen’s Green Canopy.
        The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum
        Jubilee in 2022. Everyone across the UK is being invited to plant trees from October 2021, when the tree
        planting season begins, through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022.
        Get involved
        We would like to know if any of our residents have any ideas of where they would like to see some
        trees around our village, together with what kind of trees you would like to see.

        Any trees planted from October 2021 to the end of the jubilee year in 2022 can be
        part of the QGC. Tree planting season is October to March – this is when roots are
        dormant and new trees will have the best chance of flourishing.
        We have been asked  by a resident for one on the village green where the village sign is. Do you have a
        view on this? Do please drop our clerk a call or an email so that we can get an idea of the interest and ideas
        of everyone
                                                    Parish Council
                          Newington Parish Council Wendy Licence – Parish Clerk 14 Trapfield Close, Bearstead,
                               Maidstone, Kent. ME14 4HT, Tel: 01622 739324 Email:

        Richard Palmer (Chair)              Stephen Harvey                     Eric Layer
        Planning Committee,                 Planning Committee (Chair)         Cemetery Working Party (Chair),
        Finance Working Party (Vice Chair)  Amenities Committee, Friends of NRG rep Highways
        KALC Area Committee rep,            KALC Area Committee rep, Highways  Amenities Committee (Vice Chair)
        Village Hall rep, Friends of NRG rep,   Elaine Jackson                 Planning Committee, Friends of NRG rep
        Swale Area Committee rep            Amenities Committee (Chair)        HR Working Party, Allotment rep

        Tony Mould (Vice Chair)             HR Working Party (Chair)           Steve Godmon
        Amenities Committee, School Governor   James Morgan                    Finance Working Party (Chair)
        Cemetery Working Party, Highways    Amenities Committee                Planning Committee
        Planning Committee, HR Working Party  Planning Committee

        Village Organisations
        Newington Village Hall             Newington Floral Art Group          St Mary the Virgin Parochial Church Council
        Contact: Mrs Kristin Julier        Alison Fagg, secretary              Mrs C Stevens Secretary
        07985 711257                           St Mary’s Bellringers
        Allotment Association              01795 843150                        David Lane
        Cherrill Matthews, Secretary       Newington History Group             Thelma Dudley                       01795 842478
        01795 844094                    Walking Group
        Bingo Group                        Newington C of E School             Georgina Springall
        Georgina Springall                 Mr S Krafft, Head of School        07969 583921
        07969 583921                       01795 842300
        The Cherries Pre-school                                                The Wickham Trust
                                                                               Graham Dudley (Clerk
        Jo Doherty Manager                 The Short Mat Bowls Club     Kate Beeby                          01795 842711
        01795 841131                       07759 626 354                       Mob 07790625501
        Friends of Newington Recreation Ground   St Marys Art Group
        Judy Haynes                        Georgina Springall                  Ist Neweton Scout Group –Stephen Coulter     (Group Scout Leader) Tel: 01795 475114)
        Friends of St Mary’s               07969 583921                        Newington Methodist Chapel
        Tracy Jeffery                      St Mary the Virgin Church           Christopher Chare (Treasurer)            Rev Julian Staniforth Priest
        01795 843268                      or
        Newington Concert Party            01795 227329                        Newington Charities Mr David Parker
        Derek Friday                       St Mary the Virgin Church           (Sec)            Rev Amanda Lane Associate Priest    Tel: 01795 842143
        01795873056 07985656486           Email: david.parker.n31
        Newington WI                       01795 842478
        Diane Lane, secretary
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