Page 106 - Knots You Need to Know Easy-to-Follow Guide to the 30 Most Useful Knots
P. 106
2. At the marry, take any two corresponding strands—say, the center
strand of each line (here, the left-hand line and its strands are tinted
brown for easy identification)—and tie an overhand knot. Leave the knot
just loose enough to be readjusted later during splicing.
3. Take one of the unknotted strands (shown untinted) and unlay it away
from the marry; here the chosen strand has been unlaid back down the
right-hand line. For clarity and simplicity, the strand at right has been
unlaid only a few turns; in making a serviceable splice, however, the
strand should be unlaid some 10 or 12 inches for each half inch of the
rope’s circumference.