Page 2 - Praktikum Flip PDF
P. 2
Relation and Function
A. Basic competencies
3.3 Describe and express relations and functions using various
representations (words, tables, graphs, diagrams, and equations)
4.3 Solve problems related to relations and functions using various
B. Competency Achievement Indicators
3.3.1 Students can define relations
3.3.2 Students are able to give examples of relationships in
everyday life
3.3.3 Students can show a relationship with arrow diagrams,
Cartesian diagrams, and ordered pairs.
3.3.4 Students can demonstrate a function with a set of sequential
pairs with arrow diagrams, function formulas, tables and
3.3.5 Students are able to show the results of the Cartesian product
of two known sets
3.3.6 Students can explain relationships and functions
C. Learning objectives
Through learning activities with a scientific approach, with a
problem based learning model, students can:
1. Through observation activities and observing the power point
slide show and listening to the teacher's explanation, students
can define relations and functions well