Page 17 - Confined Space Catalogue
P. 17


      The Electricity at Work regulations 1989 (EAW
      Regulations) apply to almost all places of work. HSG85
      is a generic guidance document covering safe working
      practices for work on electrical equipment and is
      produced to support the regulations.
      “Regulation 12
      ’isolation’ means the disconnection and separation of
      the electrical equipment from every source of electrical
      equipment from every source of electrical energy in
      such a way that this is disconnection and separation is

      Regulation 13
      Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent electrical
      equipment, which has been made dead in order to
      prevent danger while work is being carried out on or near
      that equipment, from being electrically charged during
      that work if danger may thereby arise.

      Regulation 19
      Every employer shall ensure that where appropriate work
      equipment is provided with suitable means to isolate it
      from all its sources of energy.”

      The Provision and Use of Work Equipment
      Regulations 1998 states;                                        Why

      “These Regulations, often abbreviated to PUWER, place   Our range has been developed over 15 years by working with our customers
                                                           on building bespoke lockout solutions. We can build many products to suit
      duties on people and companies who own, operate or   your specific requirements and can provide fully customised padlocks, tags
      have control over work equipment.  PUWER also places   and lockout stations.
                                                           We know that often you need products quickly so carry £3m of stock in our
      responsibilities on businesses and organisations whose   30,000 sq ft warehouse in Elland, West Yorkshire.
      employees use work equipment, whether owned by
      them or not.”

      “You must ensure that the work equipment you provide
      meets the requirements of PUWER. You should ensure
      that it is:
      •  suitable for use, and for the purpose and conditions
         in which it is to be used;
      •  maintained in a safe condition for use so that
         people’s health and safety is not at risk; and
      •  inspected, in certain circumstances, to ensure that                                                         ISOLATION
         it is and continues to be safe for use. Any inspection
         should be carreid out by a competent person (this
         could be an employee if they have the necessary
         skills, knowledge and experience to perform the
         task) and a record kept until the next inspection.”

         Source  The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 & The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
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