Page 19 - 2020-21 wepower report
P. 19
WePower 20 Anniversary (December collaborations with community members
13th) - we had our 20 Anniversary, as part and increase exposure to its public action.
of the event, we distributed the "gender
signal". 108 influencers from all over the country
26 authorities in Israel received the "Gender - from the Asher Regional Council and
Medal" for 2021. the Golan Regional Council to Eilat.
12 local councils, 5 cities, 9 regional Strong women, activists, chair of parent
councils. leadership, members of the National
The "Gender signal" is given to authorities in Parents' Committee, opinion leaders
which at least 40% of all statutory positions on social networks, directors of youth
in the authority are staffed by women and centers, caregivers of personal coaches,
/ or 40% of all members of the plenum / social entrepreneurship, women council
council are women. members in cities and localities, council
In addition to awarding the Gender Medal, members, counselors for the advancement
as an organization that advocates for the of women, cadets in the program
representation of women in decision- "Cadets for local government", heads of
making centers, we have also chosen to departments, heads of departments in
award certificates of appreciation to all local authorities, engineers, Executives in
heads of the incumbent authorities in business organizations, executives in third
Israel. sector organizations, CEOs, Researchers
and more and more groundbreaking
"Gender signal" Winners women and women who will break new
# Influence Network launched
(December 20th) - An influence network With great excitement we launched the
is an ecosystem for the development of Influence Network - a national initiative
leadership and influence in the local public based on infrastructure relations in the
space and it is a platform for development north, south and center of the country
and specialization in the areas of the to accelerate the realization of gender
municipal space and for the development equality and reach 50% women in senior
of leadership skills and tools for expanding positions in all decision-making centers in
the local and regional influence. the municipal area and community.
The network operates as a community that
produces many and varied connections and After the solemn opening and blessings,
connections, through which each company we had dived into the world of leadership
can help community members deal with and the meaning of the leader in the public
professional and personal dilemmas space in Dr. Mazal Shaul's lecture.
related to public action and create the
local impact it wants to promote, create This was followed by an inspiring panel
of 4 leaders, 4 women who head local
authorities in Israel:
Tal Ohana - Head of the Yeruham Local
Dr. Matti Sarfati Harkabi - Head of the Yoav
Regional Council
Shoshi Kidor - Mayor of Kfar Yona
Lynn Kaplan - Head of the Tel Mond Local
We heard the 4 leaderships talk about the