Page 17 - 2020-21 wepower report
P. 17

ThesymposiumattheImpactAssessment              makers, encouraging women to run for
Conference in the Civil Society of an          key positions in local government while
Organization - Development of Israeli          providing practical tools for promoting
Organizations (November 16th) :                positive change in public representation.
Assessment of the social impact of
WEPOWER and the "Local Coalition 2018" -       Dr. Shaul presented the implementation
on the gender gap in the leadership of local   of the initiative on the ground and the
authorities, in the roles of council members,  local and national actions taken to locate
and around the decision-making tables.         and encourage women to run in the local
                                               elections and the creation of an ecosystem
During 2017, WePower, together                 for the promotion of gender equality
with partners, initiated a coalition of        together with the partnership.
organizations about a year and a half before
the 2018 local elections with the aim of       The impact of the "Local 2018" project and
reducing the gender gap in the leadership      its impact can also be seen in the national
of local authorities and the roles of council  elections. The discourse on the absence
members, and promoting gender equality         of women on the 23rd Knesset lists and
around decision-making tables.                 on the largest and leading lists was one of
The coalition was founded with the             the most prominent on the public agenda
understanding that a joint move and            and in the 24th Knesset elections the "Ritz
pooling of resources will lead to a positive   Ratz" list (man women man women) was
change and a reduction of the gender           presented, the 36th government presented
gap in municipal leadership. The coalition     the largest number of women, service, and
included 29 organizations from civil society   CEOs Most in the entire history of the State
that decided to work together and promote      of Israel.
this important common goal for the benefit
of Israeli society.                            It seems that the action of establishing
Coalition activity played an important         a coalition to accelerate the sustainable
role in raising awareness of the existing      reality of equal representation of women
gender gap in local government and the         in the leadership of local authorities and
importance of gender equality around           in the positions of council members has
the tables of local government decision-       succeeded in bringing about the realization
                                               of the vision of gender equality in all
                                               decision-making areas in Israel's public
                                               and political space. The road remains long,
                                               but our actions have proven themselves
                                               and our abilities as a society to advance
                                               and advance to a fairer and more equitable

                                               In conclusion of the symposium, Dr. Shaul
                                               read that politics is an art together and
                                               we must work together to realize gender
                                               equality and create an ecosystem for
                                               women in the public sphere.

                                               A ceremony marking the International
                                               Day for the Elimination of Violence
                                               against Women at the President's House
                                               (November 25th):

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