Page 13 - 2020-21 wepower report
P. 13
Campaign for equal salary for woman
- The goal of the campaign is to raise
awareness of the pay gap between men
and women, which is a long-term distortion
to motivate a demand to change the reality
among workers and employers and to
recruit managers to do a home inspection
in their organization and work to close
pay gaps and promote women in the
Dr. Galit Shaul, Mayor of Emek Hefer Regional Council
Hila Hasan – Lefkovith, VP at "Wisdom Dr. Shaul in the campaign
of Women" NGO (Women’s Wisdom
works for a healthy global Jewish society by WePower in Emek Hefer (Hefer Valley)
raising awareness of extremist trends and Regional Council (October) - We met
the damage they cause to the community at the Emek Hefer Regional Council to
specifically aimed at increasingly erasing promote cooperation between the council
women from publications, removing and WePower for the Advancement of
women from policy making, poor health Women's Leadership in Public Space in the
due to hypocrisy, and harming the Jewish Council.
community because of these trends.)
We were exposed to the wall of the rotating
exhibition of the Women's Forum in Emek
Hefer, an exciting project of photos taken by
women on the council. The images capture
moments of heroism, courage, suffering,
love, joy, satisfaction & challenge. The
exhibition this time deals with leadership
under the sign of Corona.