Page 15 - 2020-21 wepower report
P. 15

Testimonies                                      powerful, riveting stories and insight
                                                 about her experiences at the helm.
1.	The keynote speech of MK Tatina               Then Orly Ben-Aharon, the Mayor's
Mazarski, a graduate of Wepower's                Adviser on women's issues, invited
“college for politics”, a council member in      me to share mine. Here's a wrap-up:
Carmiel, joined a national party: Yesh –         Women, incredible women, called me time
Atid:          and again to gather the signatures needed
il/posts/10159623875335903                       to run and go for it--cajoling, supporting,
                                                 advising. I was incredibly fortunate to
2.	Lila Ibrahim, coordinator of educational      be part of the municipality's mentoring
and community programs at the Nature             program, individually mentored by Hadas
and Parks Authority, guide & group               Shachnai, together with Dr. Mazal Shaul,
facilitator. Social activist in women's issues,  both from WePower, experts in this arena.
graduate of a senior management course           Women were my greatest allies. Sitting
at WePower - Women's Power organization.         at the table, I told the participants that I
" I was born and raised in the State of Israel   gained SO VERY MUCH from my run. And
in the highest village in the country, Majdal    I've remained active. A project I pitched
Shams. I grew up in a family with many           for English-speaking seniors in Baka got
children and lost my mother at the age of 15.    funded and our first event is scheduled
I participated in several WePower courses -      for November 4th. I'm working citywide
female empowerment, senior management            to make things accessible in English and
in local government. The programs have           change the Municipality's definitions of
contributed a lot to me in terms of my           immigrants, etc... PS I'm in the green - you
personal development and self-confidence.        can see my back!
I studied a bachelor's degree in geography
and Hebrew literature and had the
opportunity to join a tour guide course that
changed my life in the perception of life. In
the admissions call for a tour guide course
one of the instructors asked me if I have a
problem studying in a class where mostly
men and still no women join the course
and my answer was that I have no problem
and I can handle any situation and I can get
to my dream at any cost".

3.	Ruth Ebenstein, On October 13, I was
invited by City Council member, Dr. Laura
Wharton, who heads the Municipality’s
Committee to Promote the Status of
Women, to share my experiences as a
woman candidate in the Minhal Kehilati
elections, Jerusalem's one-of-a-kind
neighborhood councils. The inimitable
Prof. Naomi Chazan, former Vice Chair
of the Knesset, opened with inspiring
words about women's leadership
and tips for how to foster change.
Dr. Hagit HacohenWolf, head of the
Minhal Kehilati Ramot Alon, shared

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