Page 10 - 2020-21 wepower report
P. 10
WePower Newsletters working meetings in the Knesset
Elections for the Eilat Municipality - WePower community meeting - On
Elections were held in the city of Eilat after 15.7.21 women, with stories, with great
the incumbent mayor became a Knesset deeds, influential women, in decision-
member. making centers, activists, council members,
researchers, lecturers, caregivers, high-
Hadas Milo, a resident of Eilat, ran for the tech and industry women, women
mayor office after receiving mentoring and educators and more, all have a goal to lead
accompaniment from WePower, from the an egalitarian and just society and promote
stage of debating whether to run in the gender equality.
election to the race itself. Hadas came third We talked about how we see WePower
in the race, with 1000 votes. It is important community, what its goals are, what we
to note that this is the first time a woman want to promote and how the power of
has run for mayor of the city of Eilat. the community can be much larger than
the sum of its parts. We decided we were
The issue of women retiring from the going to embark on building WePower
labor market is once again on the public community. Next meeting was held on
agenda In Israel – WePower CEO Dr. Mazal August 6, in "Hacfar Hayarok" (The green
Shaul participated in working meetings in village).
the Knesset together with other women's
organizations with Minister Meirav Cohen, WePower community meeting
who oversees retirement.
Tomorrow's Leadership Course - Yes to
Over the past year, a precedent has Politics in Haifa has come to an end -
been drawn up together for raising the Leading, active, and activist women in Haifa
retirement age for women. participated, who joined the course to
receive practical tools for public action. Any
Dr. Mazal Shaul: “Women reach retirement
age with a low pension accrual rate
compared to men, both because of the
early retirement age and especially going
on maternity leave and because of over-
representation of women in temporary jobs.
Also, women are unfortunately “ejected”
earlier from the work cycle which will leave
unemployed and poor and unfunded
women for more years while waiting for
old age pension which is very often a single
income for women. Thus, raising and
comparing it to the retirement age of men,
without corrections of known barriers and
without mechanisms for correcting existing
distortions and establishing correction
/ compensation mechanisms until full
equality will only worsen the situation of
women. There is an essential need for a
comprehensive and holistic program that
deals with the employment of women,
including the complex issue of raising the
retirement age for women".