Page 6 - 2020-21 wepower report
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In April, we also were partners in an multidisciplinary studies from the Hebrew
economy conference conducted by the University of Jerusalem, and a master's
SHE-Verion organization where women degree (with honors) in a research track in
received tools along the path, information, cultural studies at the Hebrew University.
and connections to advance them to the
next level and strengthen them financially
and personally. In May, another senior management course
ended in collaboration with the Gev Yam
Dr. Mazal Shaul, Wepower’s CEO, gave Negev High-Tech Park in Be'er Sheva, the
a lecture on women's leadership in a University Center for Foreign Studies - Ben-
world where there is no gender equality Gurion University of the Negev, and the US
in Spertus Academy in Chicago by zoom. Embassy of the United States in Jerusalem.
The lecture was on personal leadership,
activism, and the advancement of women's The course was led by Chen Cohen, the
leadership in the community, public and moderator of the program, and a senior
political spheres. in the lecture Dr. Shaul manager in HP. who accompanied the
presented the paths Wepower advances participants - managers from all over the
women presence around the decision's country, from the business and public
tables and how the NGO active to decrease sector, who are on their way to advancing
the gender gap in Israel to senior management ranks. During the
course participants were given practical
This year, we continued on working management tools required for each senior
with the Southern Women’s network we manager in a variety of areas: reading
established last year and conducted a and analyzing balance sheets, contract
storytelling workshop. In the workshop, and tender law, understanding how a
women learned to tell their story focusing board works, improving negotiation skills,
on creating a strong and effective personal interpersonal communication, project
profile that will advance us in the public management and other management
and political arena. tools.
Lecturer: Hamutal Guri, founder of
consult4good: advice, guidance, and During the graduation session participants
direction. Specializes in developing summarized the course and shared their
organizations, leadership and storytelling insights:
to create change and influence. Holds a
bachelor's degree in English literature and "This is a meaningful course for me."
"Every topic session we discussed met me
personally in life.”
"The insight that I am not alone
strengthened and grew."
"After a meeting with Mazal I went to the
council mayor and asked why everywhere
it is not indicated that I am substitute, and
we decided to do an interview to introduce
Graduates of the course are eligible
to participate in the IWF International
Women's Mentoring Program to continue