Page 2 - 2020-21 wepower report
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January 2021 was opened with very Israel not to fund parties that do not have
good news; Yaara Shilo, a member of the women on its list and to act to enforce the
Awakening Faction in Jerusalem, joined as legal law on these violations.
a council member in Jerusalem and Mor
Dekel was appointed as chairwoman of the We also called the ultra-Orthodox parties to
Israeli Early Childhood Association. Both start incorporating ultra-Orthodox women
Yaara and Mor are Wepower program’s on their list.
graduates, and we are very proud of them.
Yaara and Mor led early childhood
supervision regulations which passed
after a sharp and prolonged effort. Tide
For years, Wepower has been promoting Towards the fourth national elections
legislation that would lead to gender system women that took part in “Manla”,
equality in the political world. Excluding the women Civil Security Council that
women is a violation of the Equal Rights of Wepower established at the beginning of
Women Law and a brutal violation of the the pandemic, joined new parties. we are
state declaration of social equality without very excited for each one of them:
distinction of religion, race or sex.
Towards the fourth national elections
system in Israel, we called on the State of