Page 4 - 2020-21 wepower report
P. 4
link to one of the debates: than to their brothers and friends”. These are the opening words of Ben
Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, in
In February we opened the Senior his book. On International Women's Day,
Management program in collaboration our executive director, Dr. Mazal Shaul was
with the federation for local authorities invited to Ben-Gurion’s house for a panel
in Israel for women from all over Israel on women’s rights and women’s roles in
working in the local municipalities. As part the political, public, and general aspects
of the course, designed for women with of the lives of in Israel. The panel was with
managerial experience, who are interested the distinguished presence of the former
in advancing to senior management Knesset member, Ayelet Nahmias Verbin,
levels in local government. We met high the Mayor of the regional council Gezer,
quality and diverse human capital from Mrs. Rotem Yadlin, and the moderation of
all corners of the country. We met CEOs Dr. Hen Friedberg from the Israeli Institute
from a variety of local government areas, for democracy.
public, and business sectors. We started
zooming in and finished face to face on the
wonderful campus of the federation for
local authorities in Israel in Tel-Aviv. In March, to commemorate international
We heard their personal story and the path women’s day, we collaborated with former
they paved up to the senior management
level. Participants were given practical Knesset member, Mrs. Rachel Azaria and
management tools required of any
senior manager, learned to know their conducted mutual lectures in several
communication style and that of those
around us and understood what effect the municipalities based on her book "The
communication style has on our ability to
convey messages and promote things. Guide to the Revolution" - each one has the power to change reality - just need to know
id=146870245902 how!. The purpose of the lectures was to give
“And the women of Israel ...are free and activist women practical tools to promote
equal citizens in the State of Israel, and all
fields of action in work, culture, education, the things important to them, what are
science, the army, management,
government - are open to them no less the influential forces behind the scenes,
and how to harness the environment and
makers in
their favor,
how to
lead social
and more …