Page 14 - WP_005_Alon_En_WEB_2023_Neat
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The College for Politics College for Elected
Women Council
The program for women’s Members
political training will provide
tools and specific skills to WePower’s novel College
prepare women for competing for Elected Women Council
in municipal elections and future Members initiative is targeted on
Knesset elections. This program the new first-time elected council
is for council members interested women and provides them with
in re-election or being elected the tool box, know-how and
mayor, for women interested support to effectively serve a
in entering the local political meaningful and successful term
arena for the first time, and for in office as Council members who
women interested in running will promote gender-equality in
for various public positions. The the public arena.
program was inaugurated before
the 2013 elections, and about Gender Conscious
60% of its participants ran for Management Program
elections. The program is based
on WePower’s familiarity with This is a program intended
the needs and challenges facing for the local authorities’
women interested in competing management, with the purpose
in the coming elections, with of introducing gender oriented
expert professionals who supply world perceptions to them into
training on various topics. management, together with the
provision of tools on how to
“Liba” – WePower manage the various divisions in
School of Mayorship their entities, considering an equal
human and gender-conscious
“Liba” – WePower School of society.
Mayorship partnered with the
Canadian embassy.
The school is for women who
dream, long and burn in the
desire to lead cities and influence
the lives of dozens and hundreds
of thousands of citizens.