Page 19 - WP_005_Alon_En_WEB_2023_Neat
P. 19

“Local 2023”

In 2017, WePower in partnership      speak for themselves:
with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung    The number of women who
and the Dafna Foundations, took      ran for local authority elections
an unprecedented initiative, to      in October, 2018 was 1,283,
createandleadanad-hoccoalition       compared with 533 in 2013 (a 2.4
to change the gender gap in the      times increase).
upcoming Israeli municipality        The number of women who ran
elections, in partnership with the   for heads of municipalities also
major women’s organizations          went up dramatically, from 42 to
in Israel. The coalition’s name      72 candidates.
is simply “Local 2018”. Over         120 of WePower graduates also
25 organizations joined hands        joined the “October revolution” as
to work together towards the         candidates in the municipalities;
advancement of women in              20 of them even ran for head of
Israel, including: WIZO, the Israel  municipality positions. We are so
Women’s Network, Equal, Itach        proud of them!
Ma’aki, the Rackman Centre,          The achievements of women
TAFI, Women Against Violence,        as a result of the elections are
the Women Council Members            the following: the number of
Association, Shatil, Mossawa,        heads of authorities more than
Your Voice, and many more.           doubled, from 6 to 14, and the
The coalition, headed by             number of council and plenary
WePower, organized joint             session members was up by 169
activities designed to influence     members.
the results of the upcoming          This year, 2023, we decided to
elections in October 2018, to        focus our efforts on encouraging
increase the number of women         “zipper list”, woman-man-
represented at the decision-         woman-man lists. The goal is to
making tables in the Israeli local   have a few more lists of this type
councils.                            as possible, since only placing
The results of our various efforts   women in realistic positions
                                     will lead to an increase in the
                                     representation of women

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