Page 23 - WP_005_Alon_En_WEB_2023_Neat
P. 23

Future Projects (under preparation):

WePower was proud to be given,       International Programs
in addition to Local 2018, the task
of heading a national coalition -    Further international development
“The National 2019” - in the April   of women leadership programs
2019 national elections. Our goal    including in the Middle East.
is 50% women representation          Currently checking potential
in the Israeli Parliament and an     partnerships with Harvard
increase in the number of women      University professors.
ministers in the Israeli cabinet.
In addition, during 2019 we intend   Instruction Manual in
to further develop the program       Preparation for Elections
“Your Voice Matters”, which
was granted special recognition      Further development of a
from the Bereshit Foundation.        guidebook for candidates running
This program is aimed at training    in local elections.
Jewish Orthodox and Arab
women, especially from rural         The Political Language
areas and the periphery. Five
programs were already initiated      Instruction Manual for Effective
in 2022, and more will be open       Improvement in Political Areas
during 2023-2024.                    and Organizational Politics.
We will also increase our action
in the local authorities vis-à-vis
the senior management, men and
women, to implement gender
equality measures through our
program “Gender-Conscious

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